John (the Baptist), John 1:6
No, John 1:3
Own, John 1:11
b) God, John 1:18
Isaiah, John 1:23
False. The Lamb of God, John 1:29
Jonah, John 1:42
A fig tree, John 1:48
In the bosom of the Father, John 1:18
Testified, John 1:34
c) deceit, John 1:47
False. Crying in the wilderness, John 1:23
Me, John 1:30
A Stone, John 1:42
c) Simon, son of Jonah, John 1:42
At about the tenth hour, John 1:39
e) None of the above. The Spirit descended from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. John 1:32
Bethsaida, John 1:44
Nathanael, John 1:46
a) Bethabara, John 1:20
Yes, John 2:20
Passover, John 2:13, 23
d) A house of merchandise, John 2:16
Yes, John 2:12
Twenty to thirty gallons each, John 2:6
c) Forty-six years, John 2:20
Commit, John 2:24
e) Not many days, John 2:12
"Zeal for Your house has eaten me up." John 2:17
Six, John 2:6
False. “born of the flesh is flesh” and “born of the Spirit is spirit” John 3:6
Serpent, John 3:14
In Aenon near Salim, John 3:23
True, John 3:33
Wrath, John 3:36
True, John 3:2
Wind, sound, John 3:8
See. In this verse, it’s born again and see. Compare with John 3:5. John 3:3, 5
Enter. In this verse, it’s born of water and the Spirit and enter. Compare with 3:3. John 3:3, 5
d) The light, John 3:20
Above. Verse 31 uses the phrase He who comes from twice. The second time it says, “He who comes from heaven is above all.” John 3:31
False. The friend of the bridegroom "stands and hears him." John 3:29
True, John 3:35
a) In Cana, John 4:46
b) Sychar, John 4:5-6
The seventh hour, John 4:52
No, John 4:2
Draw, well, John 4:11
Two days, John 4:40
c) In spirit and truth, John 4:23-24
It was about the sixth hour, John 4:6
Five husbands, John 4:18
Rejoice, John 4:36
False. It was the second sign. John 4:54
Thirty-eight, John 5:5
d) Bethesda, John 5:2
False, John 5:31
Will, John 5:30
a) His word, John 5:38
c) The love of God, John 5:42
Jews, John 5:15
False. Jesus said his judgement was righteous. John 5:30
c) Scriptures, John 5:39
Moses, John 5:46
They have everlasting life, John 5:24
The Sea of Galilee, John 6:1
e) Passover, John 6:4
False. "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." John 6:29
Philip, John 6:5-6
No. That is only found in Matthew 14:22-23.
True, John 6:7
Bread, John 6:41
False. The fathers ate the manna in the desert, and the quote was, 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'John 6:31
a) Prophets, John 6:45
Dead, John 6:49
a) Capernaum, John 6:59
False. And they are life, John 6:63
Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, John 6:70-71
Feast of Tabernacles, John 7:2
True, John 7:52
World, John 7:7
True, John 7:14
c) Doctrine, John 7:16
No. Not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers. John 7:22
Jerusalem, John 7:25
David, John 7:42
Nicodemus, John 7:50
No, John 7:5
For fear of the Jews, John 7:13
Greeks, John 7:35
d) Testify, John 7:7
Brothers, John 7:5
Secret, John 7:4
b) Letters, John 7:15
e) None of the above, John 8:39
The light of life, John 8:12
The Pharisees, John 8:13
a) His hour had not yet come, John 8:20
Word, John 8:31
Sent, John 9:7
False. He was cast out by the Pharisees, John 9:34
No, John 9:31
b) He is a prophet, John 9:17
Judgement, John 9:39
d) to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, John 10:10
Pasture, John 10:9
b) Dedication, John 10:22
False. "a thief and a robber" John 10:1
A hireling, John 10:12-13
Two more days, John 11:6
e) None of the above. John 11:16
Resurrection, Life, John 11:25
Caiaphas, John 11:49-51
True, John 11:55
Simon, John 12:4
e) None of the above. John 12:20-21
Isaiah, John 12:39-41
False. grain of wheat, John 12:24
Three hundred denarii, John 12:5
d) Said, "What you do, do quickly." John 13:27
Glorified, John 13:31
A basin, John 13:5
Two, Judas Iscariot and Simon Peter John 13:2, 6
No. “...that the Scripture may be fulfilled...” John 13:18
Thomas, Philip, Judas (not Iscariot) John 14:5, 8, 22
Way, Truth, Life John 14:6
Peace John 14:27
a) Loves John 14:21
The Spirit of Truth John 14:17
e) None of the above. “...that you bear much fruit...” John 15:8
Hates John 15:23
d) proceeds John 15:26
Prunes John 15:2
Anyone who does not abide in Him. John 15:6
“Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16:24
b) do not believe in Me John 16:7-9
Scattered John 16:32
The Spirit of Truth John 16:13
Yes John 16:2
d) His name, John 17:6, 26
Glorify, John 17:1
...that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.John 17:3
Truth, John 17:17
The son of perdition, John 17:12
Kidron, John 18:1
No. Of the four Gospels, the healing is only mentioned in Luke 22:50-51.
Malchus, John 18:12
c) Annas, John 18:13
This is not mentioned in John's Gospel.
a) “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” is found in Luke 23:43.
The Pavement, John 19:13
blood, water, John 19:34
From then on Pilate sought to release Him, John 19:2
c) Mary Magdalene, John 20:1
Father, John 20:17
Two, John 20:12
Believed, John 20:29
"Peace be with you." John 20:19
At the Sea of Tiberias, John 21:1, 14
No, John 21:22-23
Bread and fish, John 21:9, 13
a) Tend my lambs, John 21:15-17
False, John 21:25 See also John 20:30-31